About Me
A family man and Dad above all.
From Engineering School, to corporate, to entrepreneurship.
I always wanted to run an industrial distribution business...or so I thought.
I graduated back in 2003 and went to work for a large industrial manufacturing company in the US for 10 years after a quick HVAC engineering job in Caracas. Had a great career and quickly climbed the corporate ladder until I could no longer fight the entrepreneurial itch.
The tipping point event? Got a huge promotion that came with a less than mediocre salary increase. That was my glass ceiling. It was time for my next challenge!
With my lean six sigma and fluid power certifications, along with an MBA I'd gotten a few years earlier, I embarked on my first entrepreneurial journey.
It was a disaster! But it was the impulse I needed to leave corporate and start something on my own...even if from scratch.
This experience, along with the challenges behind starting and growing a business from zero, especially coming from a corporate setting, then triggered my personal growth journey and down the rabbit hole I went!
Growing it to 8 renowned product lines, an international division, along with field service personnel, I found myself getting involved with other businesses. I had grown this business to 7 figures, getting ready to sign field service agreements with large mining companies, when suddenly:
COVID hit.
Everyone of our associates in the field grounded.
25% drop in revenue,
35% drop, then,
50% drop in the end!
Along with terrible supply chain disruptions as a whiplash effect. Ouch!
It was tough. I must admit it. But again, the silver lining lied in that it didn't stop me: I went into eCommerce full force, and started seriously considering going all in on consulting.
...which then had me look into coaching.
The crisis also led me to finally invest in myself, first signing up to a cohort to discover your ideal business, to then work with a coach 1:1 to further accelerate this process.
Deciding to go all in on 1:1 proposal, then signing my first client within the month, and even working with clients up North in on-site workshops showed me possibilities. Only available when we clear our mindset game.
Now it's your turn. Let's unlock all that greatness, only possible by being YOU.
We are all equals but so conditioned by society to only value certain mainstream traits, that we stop honoring who we are and recognizing our greatness. I will help you recognize it in yourself, honor it, and reshape your life with this newly uncovered knowledge.
The definition of respect is rooted in a feeling of deep admiration. It is about creating from that framework, always and foremost. We create from an initial intention of admiration, of positive interactions, of honoring each other’s uniqueness.
Respect helps me flow. It’s like a feeling of knowing someone’s got your back. If respect is part of a conversation, an interaction, a process of creation, then the outcomes are always positive and greater than the sum of the parts.
There is no creation coaching, no magic without respect.
“The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.” Things are always better when we’re honest and operate from very clear ethical principles. We can’t co-create something meaningful if we’re not honest with each other.
Excellence is the magical force that amplifies all of the other values, and the proposal on its own. It is also part of the root cause of your life missing that zest, so it must be pursued, meaningfully, to amplify the impact of our coaching sessions.
I will always have your back and will do everything to the best of my abilities. I expect the same from you. Full commitment to living your life to the fullest.
You’ll thank me later.
How can I claim you are the creator of your own life, without framing it within the guidelines of responsibility. It literally connects an action with an outcome, with accountability. So many gaps in so many people’s lives can be attributed to lack of responsibility, trying to project the blame on the other.
Well, this house is built on the fact that it all starts with us. Our thoughts, our intentions, our emotions, our actions / or lack thereof. They in the end determine what we manifest in our lives.
Responsibility breeds empowerment. Empowerment breeds creation.
Meaningful creation.
…In terms of becoming stronger and confident. It is intimately connected to the concept of responsibility. Once we become the creators of our lives, we act from a place of power. And in fact, since everything is energy, there’s a direct correlation between energy and power.
Realize that you are indeed energy over time. This is truly part of the magic of our work together.
Once this concept is engrained, you start using your energy to create everything you desire. Time becomes less relevant, as you are more present, more aware.
Empowerment comes with inherent valuing of abilities, goals, and learning. Purposeful living sprouts from it naturally.
When you’re empowered, you’re free to be your truest self.
The Tuned-In Approach
One of the most transformative concepts I've learned in this growth journey as an entrepreneur, is the one related to resonance. We attract who we are, how we vibe, and we are naturally meant to attract all the things we desire. That's why you feel crappy when you do things that are misaligned with who you are.
Additionally, and this might sound odd: all possibilities exists in the field (quantum).
Over time, we are conditioned by our environment and our habits, which is why we live in a fight or flight response day in, day out. There is a better way.
What if we conditioned our minds to focus on what we do want instead? What if we form new habits that reinforce those things we so desire?
What if we could tune into those frequencies and start both attracting the people, circumstances, impulses to act that get us there, while we repel those that take us away from those scenarios?
We can. I'm proof, my clients are proof.